Sunday, April 19, 2009

Smoothie Love

Happy damp Sunday morning! The robins and cardinals don't seem to mind the drizzle so much.
Thanks to those who checked out our Sugar site! Hope you keep coming back. I feel like this site is one more way to combat all of the negative forces in this world. I need to hear about more goodness, more abundance, more Love so I hope this is one way to fulfill that need.
Speaking of love. On Oak Street we love smoothies. Smoothie-making is not rocket science but it does take some perfecting. This is how we do it: (this recipe makes about 3 80z servings)

1/2 cup frozen blueberries
1/2 cup frozen strawberries
1/2 cup frozen pineapple (or peach....)
1 ripe banana (does not have to be frozen)
1/2 cup yogurt (we like blueberry or strawberry Kefir but any will do, especially if it has fruit in it)
1/2 cup water
1/2 cup (or more) or orange juice
1 tsp honey (optional)
blend well, using puree speed to make very smooth and delicious!!

Ahhh, the final purple product. This is truly a simple everyday joy. Dr. Kendall (my brother)adds fresh spinach to his and other fruits that he finds in the fridge or fruit basket. Experiment and be sure to let the kids help out. My helper Franny is the one pouring the OJ in the photo above.

Another great site to check out is Tamra Davis has very addictive YouTube episodes of her cooking very healthy recipes with her kids. I love watching these on rainy days. If I could figure out how to download/upload her shows I would. Maybe one day.....they are lots of fun and so inspiring. Kids love watching them too. enjoy the smoothies. until later. paz.

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