Wednesday, August 19, 2009


"to express thankfulness is to attract goodness"
-s.h. helminski

gratitude is something I am trying to practice every day. what about you? how do you practice gratitude? paz, k
lovely lilacs here


  1. Stopping and recognizing the small things and taking time to do something for someone else..a listening ear to a friend, getting a can off a high shelf in the store for someone who can't, etc.
    Blessings, andrea

  2. what beautiful lilacs.... i remember how those smelled so strong to me when i was a kid...

    i try to spend time with my nephew and give him a lot of extra attention because I am grateful for the influence special aunts and uncles had on me...

  3. Inspired by Ann Voskamp, I've started a gratitude journal, and I've set up an Ebenezer in my back yard, to help me remember that I've got lots for which to be thankful. Gratitude is, itself, a gift!

  4. Gratitude is actually a very healing emotion - emotionally and physically. I try to live in gratitude as a state of mind. There is SO much to be grateful for.

  5. such a good practice. anytime i find myself wanting what i don't have, i try to come back into the abundance of blessings in each of my weeks, days, moments.

  6. love that photo.

    i try to express my gratitude and say thanks whenever there's an opportunity.

    so... thanks for your blog! :)

  7. hi lovely osh!
    gratefulness and goodness ~ the best 'g' words ever ... and they both bring on giddiness ... does it get any better than that? oh ... and grace.
    my neighbour and i embarked on the 'simple abundance' journey over a decade ago which enlightened us both to the power of gratitude ... in her book, sarah ban breathnach encourages keeping a gratitude journal ... writing down five things (or more) you are grateful for each day, no matter how little or grand ...
    long story short ... if i was to be keeping a journal still, i would be writing all day long! that simple exercise awakened me to many things ... but especially to be oh so grateful every moment ...
    oh my ... gush starts with g as well ...
    i think by trying to practice every day, you are already living a life of grace and gratitude ~
    thank you for your thoughtful posting,
