Thursday, August 27, 2009

three pies...

in the little yellow cottage on nolan street the pie came to life. we washed, dried and picked out the stems. then i made a bed for those little berries to bake in. (ok, the crust isn't mine but I rolled it out.)

we made 3 pies in 3 days. a little overboard? maybe but blueberry season doesn't last long and it truly has become one of my favorite times of the year.
with a little lemon, a sprinkle of flower, a dash of sugar and some cinnamon my dream came true.

pure heaven. (notice we didn't have a pie dish so I just used the baking pan instead. nothing was going to stop me!!) paz, k


  1. Oh, it looks so yum!! I love your ingenuity with the baking pan!

  2. Yummy and how creative to use the pirex dish.
    Blessings, andrea

  3. I can smell it through the computer screen! (Your story is so cute too)

  4. i was totally taken in by the peek hole in the first picture ... i LOVE that! and then things just got better and better ... your pie looks heavenly ... and three would be a dream!
    yum yum,
