Wednesday, September 9, 2009

midwest magic...

it's likely these images are all over the blog design world but I just had to share too! amy butler, author, textile designer and one of my idols has recently launched a line of rugs based on some of her fabric patterns. they are extraordinary. enjoy and have a sweet thursday!!

back to school has me reeling. i'm trying to get back into the swing of things. i'm back in school as well. 4th year into my master of divinity - i take one class at a time since my kiddies are so little. i've calculated that i'll graduate when i'm 96. seriously. i'm missing checking out my favorite blogs!! thanks so much for your notes.they mean so much to me! paz, k
find the woven beauties here


  1. Beautiful rugs!

    And I'm impressed with your juggling act - must be so hard: working, children, school and maintaining a beautiful blog. I am very impressed! :)

  2. GOD bless you on your journey. Blessings, andrea

  3. Hey sweet!

    II actually had not seen these prior to this. They are adorable :)

  4. It has been a challenge getting back into the swing of things too, especially getting the kids out the door without them forgetting something.

    Best wishes to you with school. A fresh school year is a good feeling!

    Love these patterns and colors!
